Narration Change for Possessive Pronouns | Narration Rules

Learn about the “Narration Change for Possessive Pronouns” by definitions, formulas, rules, tricks, examples, and exercise. You will learn Possessive Pronouns Changes in Direct and Indirect Speech.

Possessive Pronouns Narration Change

The Objective Pronouns Changes are of two types.

1. Possessive Pronoun (Singular) Change

2. Possessive Pronoun (Plural) Change

1. Possessive Pronoun (Singular) Change:

Singular Possessive Pronouns

My, our, your, his, her, their, it

Narration Rule of Possessive Pronouns 1st Person (my, our)

If there is Possessive Pronouns Singular in reported speech, it will change with the subject of reporting a speech by changing it into the Possessive Singular Case.


He said to me, “It is my bat.”

He said to me, “It is my bat.”

He told me that it… his bat.

Note: We do not write helping verb and keep it empty because we will learn its changes in next lesson.

Example(my)  Possessive Pronouns Changes in Narration

You said to me, “It is my bat.”

You said to me, “It is my bat.”

He told me that it… your bat.


She said to me,   “It is my bat.”

She told me that it was her bat.

Example(our)  Possessive Pronouns Changes in Narration

She said to me,      “It is our bat.”

She told me that it was their bat.

Note: Change ‘our’ to ‘their’ whatever the subject of reporting speech is. The reason is that ‘our’ is used for plural.


He said to me, “It is our bat.”

He said to me, “It is our bat.”

He told me that it… their bat.


You said to me, “It is our bat.”

You said to me, “It is our bat.”

You told me that it……your bat.

Rule for Second Person Possessive Pronoun (Your)

Change possessive pronoun singular of reported speech with objective of reporting speech.

Example(your) Possessive Pronouns Changes in Narration

He said to me, “It is your bat.”

He told me that it… my bat.


He said to us, “It is your bat.

He told us that it… our bat.


He said to him, “It is your bat.”
He said to him, “It is you bat.”

He told us that it…… his bat.”


He said to her, “It is your bat.”
He said to her, “It is your bat.

He told us that it…. her bat.”


He said to them, “It is your bat.”

He said to them, “It is your bat.

He told them that it…. their bat.

Rule for Possessive Pronoun Third Person Singular 

The third persons possessive pronouns such as his, her, their, its, names will not be changed.

Possessive Pronouns Changes in Direct and Indirect Speech


He said to them, “It is his bat.”
He said to them, “It is his bat.

He told them that it…. his bat.


He said to them, “It is her bat.”
He said to them, “It is her bat.”

He told them that it…. her bat.

Example (their) Possessive Pronouns Changes in Direct and Indirect Speech

He said to them, “It is their bat.”
He said to them, “It is their bat.”

He told them that it…. their bat.

Example(its) Possessive Pronouns Changes in Direct and Indirect Speech

He said to them, “It is its beak.”
He said to them, “It is its beak.”

He told them that it…. its bat.


He said to them, “It is Ali’s bat.”
He said to them,   “It is Ali’s bat.”

He told them that it… Ali’s bat.

2. Possessive Pronoun (Plural) Change

Possessive pronouns such as mine, ours, yours, hers, theirs, its will be changed in plural form.


He said to me, “It is mine.”

She said to me,   “It is mine.”

She told me that it ۔۔۔ hers. 


You said to me, “It is mine

You said to me, “It is mine.”

You told me it …….. yours.


Amina said to them, “It is 

Amina said to me, “It is mine.”

Amina told me it………….hers.


She said to me, “It is ours.”

She told me that it….. hers.


He said to me, “It is 

He said to me, “It is ours.”

He told me that it….theirs.

We place ‘their’ because ‘our’ is plural and ‘he’ is singular so, to make ‘he’ plural, ‘their’ will be written which is our final change.

Rule for Possessive Pronoun Second Person Singular (yours)

As we know that second person changes with object of reporting speech. But if there is possessive pronoun of second person is in plural form then it changed with object of reporting speech in plural form.


He said to me, “It is yours.”

He said to me, “It is yours

He told me that it… mine.


He said to us, “It is yours.”
He said to us, “It is yours.”

He told us that it… ours.


He said to her, “It is yours.”
He said to her, “It is yours.

He told her that it….. hers.


He said to them, “It is yours.”

He said to them, “It isyours.”

He told them that it….. theirs.

Rule for Possessive Pronoun Plural for 3rd Person

Third person will not be changed whether they are possessive, subjective, or objective.


He said to them, “It is hers.”
He said to them, “It is hers.”

He told them that it…. hers.


He said to them, “It is theirs.”
He said to them, “It is theirs.”

He told them that it…. theirs.


He said to them, “It is its.”
He said to them, “It is its.”

He told them that it…. its.

Example(name) Possessive Pronouns Changes in Direct and Indirect Speech

He said to them, “It is Ali’s.”
He said to them, “It is Ali’s.

He told them that it… Ali’s.

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