Narration Change for Objective Pronouns | Narration Rules

Learn about the “Narration Change for Objective Pronouns” with definitions, formulas, rules, tricks, examples, and exercise. You will learn Objective Pronouns Changes in Direct and Indirect Speech.

Narration Change for Objective Pronouns

Narration Rules for Objective Pronouns

This rule is as same as we applied on subjective pronouns in relation to objective pronouns. In other words, we’ll change persons with objective pronouns now.

All the changes will be made as we did on the rules previously. The first person will be changed with the subject of reporting speech whereas the second person with the object of reporting speech but all changes will be transformed into objective cases.

Objective Pronoun Change in Narration

‘Me, us, you, him, her, them, it’

Rule (First Person Objective me, us)

The objective pronoun (1st Person) of the reported speech will be changed with the subject of the reporting speech and it will be written in an objective case.

Example(me) Objective Pronouns Changes in Narration

You said to me, “It is best for me.”

You said to me, “It is best for me.”

You told me that it… best for you.


He said to me, “It is best for me.”

He told me that it… best for him.


She said to me, “It is best for me.”

She told me that it…best for her.


They said to us, “They are praying for me.”

They told us that they…praying for them.


You said to me, “It is best for us.”

You told me that it… best for you.

Example(us) Objective Pronouns Changes in Narration

I said to them, “It is best for  us.”

I told them that it….. best for us/them.”

Rule of Second Person Objective Case (You)

The object (2nd Person) of the reported speech will be changed with the object of the reporting speech all in the objective case.

Example(you) Objective Pronouns Changes in Direct and Indirect Speech

I said to them, “It is best for  you.”

I told them that it….. best for them.


I said to her, “It is best for  you.”

I told her that it….. best for her.


I said to him, “It is best for  you.”

I told her that it….. best for him.

Rule for Third Persons Objective Case

Third person will not be changed whatever the case is. Whether the case is subjective  objective  or possessive.

Example(him) Objective Pronouns Changes in Narration

I said, “It is best for  him.”

I said that it…best for him.


I said, “It is best for  her.”

I said that it.. best for her.


I said, “It is best for  them.”

I said that it.. best for them.

“Them” is a third person → No change


He said,           “I love it.”

He told that  he loved it.

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