Collective Noun | Definition Examples in Detail

Definition of Collective Noun It refers to a noun consists of a group of people or other nouns. We say it noun when a number of people/other nouns get together to make a group, called collective noun. Examples of Collective Noun Class, Army, Police, Crowd, Team, Nursery, Set, Audience, Bundle, Pair, Cluster, Album, Crew, Staff, … Read more

Abstract Noun | Definition Examples in Detail

Definition of Abstract Noun It is a noun that does not have a physical shape, cannot be touched and we cannot see it rather it is a state or feelings. Examples of Abstract Noun Honesty, Thirst, Humour, Hunger, Love, Happiness, Hate, Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, Interactions, Idea, Truth, Lie, Sadness, Justice, Bravery, Fear, Calm, … Read more

Proper Noun | Definition Examples in Detail

Definition of Proper Noun The name of a particular/specific person, a particular/specific thing or a particular/specific place is known as “Proper Noun”. Examples of Proper Noun (Specific Persons): Muhammad, Ali, Moosa, Rafique, Hurain, Fatima, Ayesha (any name). (Specific Things): Quraan, Bible, Moon, Sun, Pepsi, Samsung, Gouri Missile, F17 Thunder, Al Khalid Tank, Minar -e- Pakistan, … Read more

Common Noun | Definition Examples in Detail

Definition of Common Noun The name of a common person, a common thing, or a commonplace is known as “Common Noun”. Examples of Common Noun Common Persons:Boy, Girl, Male, Female, children, Baby, etc.Common Things:Mobile, Watch, Tree, Ball, Bat, Shoes, Fruits, etc. Common Places: City, Town, Village, Province, District. Country, Home, Street, Ground, Stadium, Markete, etc. … Read more

Proper Adjective | Definition Examples

Meaning of Proper Adjective Modifying the proper nouns. Definition of Proper Adjective “Proper adjectives” also describe people, places, and things, but they are based on nouns and therefore need to be capitalized like nouns. A proper adjective is an adjective that is derived from a proper noun and is used to modify a common noun. … Read more