Proper Noun in Hindi – Definition Examples Uses

Learn Proper Noun in Hindi (हिंदी में व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा) with definitions, examples, exercises, and uses in the sentences. You will also learn examples of people, places, animals, objects, etc in Hindi and English too for better understanding. Proper Noun in Hindi परिभाषा: प्राय: सभी भाषाओं में, नाम विशेषण (Proper Noun) वे विशेषण होते हैं जिनका … Read more

Common Noun in Hindi – Definition Examples Uses

Learn Common Noun in Hindi (हिंदी में सामान्य संज्ञा) with definitions, examples, exercises, and uses in the sentences. You will also learn examples of people, places, animals, objects, etc in Hindi and English too for better understanding. Common Noun in Hindi हिन्दी में सामान्य संज्ञा को सामान्य संज्ञा कहा जाता है। वे सामान्य, गैर-विशिष्ट लोगों, … Read more

Noun Meaning in Hindi संज्ञा का हिंदी में मतलब with Examples

Know the noun meaning in hindi (संज्ञा का हिंदी में मतलब) with definition, examples and use in the sentences for better understanding and concept development. Noun Meaning in Hindi “नाम” का हिंदी में अर्थ होता है। (The Hindi word for “noun” is “नाम”.) Definition of Noun in Hindi नाम (Noun) का अर्थ होता है, किसी … Read more

Abstract Noun of Poor: Understanding Concept

Introduction Language has the ability to capture abstract concepts and convey them through words. One such example is the abstract noun derived from the adjective “poor.” In this article, we will delve into the abstract noun of poor and explore its significance in understanding the complex issue of poverty. Understanding Abstract Nouns Abstract nouns are … Read more

Possessive and Plural Noun | Definition and Examples

Definition of Possessive Noun Possessive Nou is a noun that shows ownership or possession. In this regard, we use an apostrophe to show ownership. Apostrophe ➡️ ‘s Examples of Possessive Noun Ali’s book. Moosa’s car. Irfan’s bat. Hurain’s doll. Imran’s bike. Definition of Plural Noun It is a noun that is in the plural form … Read more

Countable and Uncountable Noun | Definitions Examples

Definition of Countable Noun The noun can be counted in numbers like 10 apples, 100 rupees, 50 students, etc. Examples of Countable Noun Twelve ➡️ Balls Eleven ➡️ Bat Eight ➡️ Aeroplanes Ten ➡️ Teachers Fifty ➡️ Goats Five ➡️ Children Thirty-three hundred ➡️ Bricks Fifteen ➡️ Tables Twelve ➡️ Chairs Ten ➡️ Apples Definition … Read more

Regular and Irregular Noun | Definition Examples

Definition of Regular Noun It is a plural noun and when we convert it to plural form by adding “s” or “es” at the end of that noun. Examples of Regular Noun Book ➡️ Books Boy ➡️ Boys Sparrow ➡️ Sparrows Bus ➡️ Buses Mango ➡️ Mangoes Bench ➡️ Benches Bush ➡️ Bushes Shop  ➡️ … Read more

Material Noun | Definition and Examples

Definition of Material Noun The material noun is a material, substance, or ingredient that is used to make a thing, called “Material Noun”. Examples of Material Noun Gold, Silver, Gypsum, Wheat, Brick, Cement, Milk, Coal, Copper, Iron, Cotton, Wood, Wool, Glass, etc. Animals / Birds/ Human voices ➡️ can be heard

Concrete Noun | Definition and Examples

Definition of Concrete Noun A noun that can be identified through one of the five senses i,e taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell. Examples of Concrete Noun Sugar ➡️ can be tasted Flower etc ➡️ can be smelled Animals / Birds/ Human voices ➡️ can be heard Brick, Wood, Mobile, Iron, Plastic, etc ➡️ can … Read more