Narration Change for Exclamatory Sentences| Narration Rules

Learn Narration Change for Exclamatory Sentences with definition, rules, tricks, examples, and exercise. Firstly, we will learn about exclamatory sentences. Definition of Exclamatory Sentences It shows the contents of joy, pleasure or happiness, wonder or surprise, and sorrow or sadness. Examples of Exclamatory Sentences Joy or Happiness He said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.” … Read more

Narration Change for Optative Sentences| Narration Rules

Learn Narration Change for Optative Sentences with all rules, definitions, formulas, examples, and exercises. Before proceeding, we’ll learn optative sentences first. Definition of Optative Sentences These types of sentences contain the contents of pray, curse, or wish.  Examples of Sentences(Pray) He said to us, “May you get success.” Examples of Sentences(Curse) He said, “May you … Read more

Narration Change in Tenses | Narration Rules

In this topic, learn Narration Change in tenses with definition, rules, tricks, examples, and exercise. Remember, you will also be found the answers to the following questions. How to Changes the Tenses In Narration: Tricks Rules Examples Remember, the changes in tenses in Indirect Speech can be done by considering five rules. These five rules … Read more

Narration Change for Subjective Pronouns | Narration Rules

Learn Narration Change for Subjective Pronouns with definitions, formulas, rules, tricks, examples, and exercise. You will also learn: Narration Change for Subjective Pronouns Subjective Case:                               Now we will learn to change the person of the pronoun which is a very necessary … Read more

Narration Rules: Definition, Examples, Charts

The term “narration rules” can refer to the guidelines or principles that govern the use of narration techniques in storytelling or written composition. These rules help writers maintain consistency, clarity, and coherence in their narratives. We will also learn narration rules as audio visual expression for better understandings. Narration Rules Here are some common narration … Read more

Basic Narration Changes | Narration Rules

Learn about the “Introduction to Basic Narration Changes” by definitions, formulas, rules, tricks, examples, and exercises. You will learn Introduction to Direct Indirect Speech and Basic Changes. Introduction to Direct Indirect Speech and Basic Changes Introduction to Narration We can express anyone’s speech or talk in two ways.  1. Direct Speech 2. Indirect Speech 1. … Read more

Abstract Noun of Poor: Understanding Concept

Introduction Language has the ability to capture abstract concepts and convey them through words. One such example is the abstract noun derived from the adjective “poor.” In this article, we will delve into the abstract noun of poor and explore its significance in understanding the complex issue of poverty. Understanding Abstract Nouns Abstract nouns are … Read more

It’s best to do it in writing before using the words orally.

It’s best to do it in writing before using the words orally. There is no definitive answer to whether it is best to write something before using the words orally, as it depends on the context and personal preference. However, writing can have certain advantages in many situations. Here are a few reasons why writing … Read more

When introducing new Words for in-depth Instruction

When introducing new words for in-depth instruction, it’s important to consider the context and the needs of the learners. Here are some steps you can follow for betterment: Select relevant words Identify the key vocabulary words that are essential for understanding the topic or concept you’re teaching. Choose words that are important for comprehension and … Read more