Present Indefinite Tense in Urdu: Rules Formula Exercise

We will learn Present Indefinite Tense in Urdu with definition, examples, formulas, negative, interrogative, and interrogative sentences.

ہم اردو میں Present Indefinite Tense کو تعریف، مثالوں، فارمولے، منفی، سوالیہ، اور سوالیہ جملوں کے ساتھ سیکھیں گے۔

Read Present Indefinite Tense: How to Learn with Formulas Examples fully to learn completely.


Present/ موجودہ/حال

حال سے مراد حالیہ دنوں میں ہونے والا کام ہے۔


ایسا کام جو کسی نامعلوم یا غیر بیان شدہ مدت کے لئے ہو۔


ٹینس زمانے یا فعل سے مراد ایسا وقت ہے جس میں کوئی کام واقع ہوا ہو۔

Definition of Present Indefinite in Urdu

فعل حال مطلق کی تعریف

جب کسی کام کا کرنا ہونا موجودہ زمانے میں پایا جائے تو اسے فعل حال مطلق کہیں گے

Audio Definition


Recognition of Present Indefinite Tense in English

The formula of present indefinite tense:

S + 1st form of Verb + O

فاعل +فعل کی پہلی فارم + مفعول

Present Indefinite Tense in Urdu

Audio-visual Formula Representation

Basic Contents in Tenses

There are three basic contents in tenses formulas; subject, verb, and object. In the present indefinite tense, we can recognize it with the help of the form of the verb which must be 1st. The first form is also known as the ‘Present Form’.

ٹینس کے تین بنیادی جزو

ٹینس کے تین بنیادی جزو ہوتے ہیں: فاعل، فعل اور مفعول۔ اس ٹینس میں فعل کی پہلی فارم استعمال کی جاتی ہے۔ یہی اس ٹینس کی پہچان ہے۔

فاعل (سبجیکٹ)

کوئی بھی شخص جو کسی جملے میں کوئی عمل کرتا ہے اسے مفعول کہا جاتا ہے۔ مثلا میں سکول جاتا ہوں۔ اس جملے میں “میں” فاعل ہے۔

فعل (ورب)

یہ ایک ایسا وقت ہے جس میں کوئی کام کیا جاتا ہے۔ مثلا میں سکول جاتا ہوں۔ اس م جملے میں “جاتا ہوں” ورب ہے۔


جس کی طرف کسی فعل کے عمل کا رخ کیا جاتا ہے یا جس سے کوئی فاعل کےکام کاتعلق ہوتا ہے. مثلا میں سکول جاتا ہوں۔ اس جملے میں “سکول” مفعول ہے۔

لہذا، اس ٹینس یعنی زمانے کو پہچاننے اور سیکھنے کے لیے، فعل کی تمام شکلوں کو سیکھنا بہت ضروری ہے۔ یعنی ورب کی پہلی، دوسری اور تیسری گارم۔ان کے بغیر، آپ ٹینس کے ماہر نہیں بن پائیں گے۔

So, to recognize and learn the present indefinite tense, it is very important to learn all forms of the verbs. Without them, you will not be able to be the tense expert.

کسی بھی جملے میں کام کرنے والا مفعول کہلاتا ہے۔ اور جس وقت میں کام کیا جائے اس کو فعل کہتے ہیں جبکہ کام جس پر کیا جائے اسے مفعول کہتے ہیں۔

The one who works in any sentence is called the subject. And the time in which the work is done is called the verb while the work on which it is done is called the object.

They do their duty.

Theyفاعلdo فعلdutyمفعول
The word ‘they’ is doing work (duty), is the subject. And ‘do’ represents time (present time), therefore it is a verb. In the end, work is done on ‘duty’, so it is the object.

سب سے پہلے، فاعل کو جملے کے شروع میں رکھا جاتا ہے پھر فعل یعنی ورب کی پہلی فارم اور آخر میں مفعول کو فل اسٹاپ کے ساتھ رکھا جاتا ہے۔

First of all, the subject is placed at the start of the sentence then the first form of the verb and the object at the end with a full stop.


* 1v=1st form of the verb

 S 1V O
He eats bread
 Weeat food
Present Indefinite Tense
 S 1V O
Present Indefinite Tense

اگر سبجیکٹ یعنی فاعل تھرڈ پرسن سنگولر ہو تو ورب کی فارم کے ایس یا ای ایس کا اضافہ کیا جاتا ہے۔

Note: In this tense, we will add “s”  or  “es” at the end of the verb if the subject is He, She, It, or a single name. You can see this in the above examples.


Present Indefinite Tense

We play cricket. 

Youdrivea car.
Present Indefinite Tense

You drive a car.


منفی فقرہ بنانے کا فارمولا اور طریقہ

منفی فقرے بنانے کے لیئے امدادی فعل کے فورا بعد “ناٹ” لگاتے ہیں۔ لیکن اس ٹینس میں پہلے سے امدادی فعل یعنی امدادی فعل نہیں ہوتا اس لیے “ڈو” یا ڈز” کے بعد “ناٹ” لگاتے ہیں۔ اسی طرح سوالیہ اور سوالیہ منفی بنانے کے لیئے بھی “ڈو” یا “ڈز” کا استعمال ہوتا ہے۔

Negative Sentence of Present Indefinite Tense

In general/positive sentences of present indefinite tense, no helping verb lies in the sentence. But we use two helping verbs (do, does) to make a sentence negative, interrogative, and interro-negative.

How to Make a Negative Sentence?

To make a sentence negative, add “do not” or “does not” right after the subject. Let us formulate it.

S +  do /does not +1V  + O

منفی جملے جب فاعل تھرڈ پرسن سنگولریعنی واحد ہو۔

اگر کسی جملے کا موضوع تیسرے فرد واحد یا واحد نام ہے تو موضوع کے بالکل بعد ‘does not’ شامل کریں۔ دوم، فعل سے ‘s’ یا ‘es’ کو ہٹا دیں۔

Negative Sentences when Subject is 3rd Person Singular

If the subject of a sentence is third-person singular or a single name, add ‘does not’ very after the subject. Secondly, remove ‘s’ or ‘es’ from the verb.

فاعل تھرڈ پرسن سنگولریعنی واحد کون سے ہوتے ہیں؟

3rd person singular  = He, She, It or a single name

Which Subjective is 3rd Persons Singular?

3rd person singular  = He, She, It or a single name

Examples of Making Negative Sentences

Sdo/does not1VO
Hedoes notgoschool
Present Indefinite Tense

He does not go to school.
He does not go to school.

Sdo/does not1VO
Hedoes notdohomework

They do not do the homework.


سوالیہ جملہ

کسی جملے کو سوالیہ بنانے کے لیے، فاعل سے پہلے “do” یا “does” شامل کریں۔ ہم جملے کے آخر میں فل اسٹاپ کی بجائے ‘سوال کا نشان’ شامل کریں گے۔ آئیے اسے وضع کریں۔

Interrogative Sentence of Present Indefinite

To make a sentence interrogative, add “do” or “does ” right before the subject. We will add a ‘question mark’ at the end of the sentence instead of the full stop. Let us formulate it.

Do / Does  + S  + 1V  + O + ?

اگر کسی جملے کا فاعل تھرڈپرسن یا واحد نام ہے تو جملے کے شروع میں ‘do/do’ شامل کریں۔

If the subject of a sentence is 3rd person singular or a single name, add ‘do/ does’ at the start of the sentence.

The rule for Do or Does

جب ہم کسی جملے کو سوالیہ بناتے ہیں تو ہم شروع میں do/does کا اضافہ کرتے ہیں۔ اس تبدیلی کے بعد، ‘s’ یا ‘es’ کو ہٹا کر فعل کی پہلی سادہ شکل میں تبدیل کریں۔

When we make a sentence interrogative, we add do/does at the start. After this change, simplify the first form of the verb by removing ‘s’ or ‘es’.

Goes ⇒ Go


Does he go to school?


Do they do homework?


کسی جملے کو سوالیہ منفی بنانے کے لیے، منفی جملے کے فاعل سے پہلے “do” یا “does” کا اضافہ کریں اور آخر میں تفتیش کا نشان لگائیں۔ آئیے اسے وضع کریں۔

Interro-Negative Sentence of Present Indefinite

To make a sentence interro-negative, add “do “ or “does ” right before the subject of a negative sentence and put the sign of interrogation at the end. Let us formulate it.

First, make it a simple sentence:


Now make it negative


Now Interronegative Sentence



 Do/Does S not 1V O?

Does he not go to school?

 Do/Does S not 1V O?

Do they not do homework?

Present Indefinite Tense کی کئی مثالیں ہیں جن میں مثبت، منفی، سوالیہ، اورسوالیہ منفی جملے ہیں اور ہر جملے میں ذیل کے پانچ جملوں کے ہر پیراگراف میں یہ تین تبدیل شدہ جملے ہیں۔ لہذا، آپ کسی بھی جملے کو منفی، سوالیہ، اورسوالیہ منفی جملوں میں تبدیل کر سکتے ہیں۔

Present Indefinite Tense Exercise

There are many examples of the Present Indefinite Tense having affirmative, negative, interrogative, and interro-negative sentences and each sentence has these three converted sentences in every paragraph of the five sentences below. So, you can find any sentence converted into negative, interrogative, and interro-negative sentences.
  • He works in the education department. (Affirmative)
  • He does not work in the education department. (Negative)
  • Does he work in the education department? (Interrogative)
  • Does he not work in the education department? Or
  • Doesn’t he work in the education department? (Interro-negative)
  • They put in great effort every time.
  • They do not put in great effort every time.
  • Do they put in great effort every time?
  • Do they not put in great effort every time? Or
  • Don’t they put in great effort every time?
  • You love to eat Chicken Tikka Pizza.
  • You do not love to eat Chicken Tikka Pizza.
  • Do you love to eat Chicken Tikka Pizza?
  • Do you not love to eat Chicken Tikka Pizza? Or
  • Don’t you love to eat Chicken Tikka Pizza?
  • We sit in the sunshine after job time.
  • We do not sit in the sunshine after job time.
  • Do we sit in the sunshine after job time?
  • Do we not sit in the sunshine after job time? Or
  • Don’t we sit in the sunshine after job time?
  • My children love to do homework together.
  • My children do not love to do homework together.
  • Do my children love to do homework together?
  • Do my children not love to do homework together? Or
  • Don’t my children love to do homework together?
  • The led TV gives clearer video than the old television.
  • The led TV does not give clearer video.
  • Does led TV give clear video?
  • Does led TV not give clear video? Or
  • Doesn’t led TV give clear video?
  • The girls knit the sweaters.
  • The girls do not knit sweaters.
  • Do the girls knit sweaters?
  • Do the girls not knit the sweaters? Or
  • Don’t the girls knit sweaters?
  • Ali goes to college by bicycle.
  • Ali does not go to college by bicycle.
  • Does Ali go to college by bicycle?
  • Does Ali not go to college by bicycle? Or
  • Doesn’t Ali go to college by bicycle?
  • This kid crosses the road easily.
  • This kid does not cross the road easily.
  • Does this kid cross the road easily?
  • Does this kid not cross the road easily? Or
  • Doesn’t this kid cross the road easily?
  • He speaks and writes English fluently.
  • He does not speak and writes English fluently.
  • Does he speak and write English fluently?
  • Does he not speak and write English fluently? Or
  • Doesn’t he speak and write English fluently?
  • She does her work in two hours.
  • She does not do her work in two hours.
  • Does she do her work in two hours?
  • Does she not do her work in two hours? Or
  • Doesn’t she do her work in two hours?
  • Smith runs every risk for his friends.
  • Smith does not run every risk for his friends.
  • Does Smith run every risk for his friends?
  • Does Smith not run every risk for his friends? Or
  • Doesn’t Smith run every risk for his friends?
  • He tells a lie in front of me.
  • He does not tell a lie in front of me.
  • Does he tell a lie in front of me?
  • Does he not tell a lie in front of me? Or
  • Doesn’t he tell a lie in front of me?
  • The long hair of a lion looks very attractive.
  • The long hair of a lion does not look very attractive.
  • Does the long hair of a lion look very attractive?
  • Does the long hair of a lion not look very attractive? Or
  • Doesn’t the long hair of a lion look very attractive?
  • The beats prey on the weak animals.
  • The beats do not prey the weak animals.
  • Do the beats prey on the weak animals?
  • Do the beats not prey on the weak animals? Or
  • Don’t the beats prey on weak animals?
  • Some people tame the cubs.
  • Some people do not tame the cubs.
  • Do some people tame the cubs?
  • Do some people not tame the cubs? Or
  • Don’t some people tame the cubs?
  • This intelligent student does his classwork very beautifully.
  • This intelligent student does not do his classwork very beautifully.
  • Does this intelligent student do his classwork very beautifully?
  • Does this intelligent student not do his classwork very beautifully? Or
  • Doesn’t this intelligent student do his classwork very beautifully?
  • He partakes in everyone’s weal and woe.
  • He does not partake of everyone’s weal and woe.
  • Does he partake of everyone’s weal and woe?
  • Does he not partake of everyone’s weal and woe? Or
  • Doesn’t he partake of everyone’s weal and woe?
  • Halima plays with the toys.
  • Halima does not play with the toys.
  • Does Halima play with the toys?
  • Does Halima not play with the toys? Or
  • Doesn’t Halima play with the toys?
  • Jack and Jill go up the hill.
  • Jack and Jill do not go up the hill.
  • Do Jack and Jill go up the hill?
  • Do Jack and Jill not go up the hill? Or
  • Don’t Jack and Jill go up the hill?
  • He loves the sea since his childhood.
  • He does not love the sea since his childhood.
  • Does he love the sea since his childhood?
  • Does he not love the sea since his childhood? Or
  • Doesn’t he love the sea since his childhood?
  • This hen lays golden eggs twice a week.
  • This hen does not lay golden eggs twice a week.
  • Does this hen lay golden eggs twice a week?
  • Does this hen not lay golden eggs twice a week? Or
  • Doesn’t this hen lay golden eggs twice a week?
  • Musa’s mother cooks fried fish.
  • Musa’s mother does not cook fried fish.
  • Does Musa’s mother cook fried fish?
  • Does Musa’s mother not cook fried fish? Or
  • Doesn’t Musa’s mother cook fried fish?
  • The weaver weaves the clothes.
  • The weaver does not weave the clothes.
  • Does the weaver weave the clothes?
  • Does the weaver not weave the clothes? Or
  • Doesn’t the weaver weave the clothes?
  • The carpenter makes the wooden goods.
  • The carpenter does not make the wooden goods.
  • Does the carpenter make the wooden goods?
  • Does the carpenter not make the wooden goods? Or
  • Doesn’t the carpenter make the wooden goods?
  • The blacksmith makes the iron goods.
  • The blacksmith does not make the iron goods.
  • Does the blacksmith make the iron goods?
  • Does the blacksmith not make the iron goods? Or
  • Doesn’t the blacksmith make the iron goods?
  • The potter makes very beautiful pots with mud.
  • The potter does not make very beautiful pots with mud.
  • Does the potter make very beautiful pots with mud?
  • Does the potter not make very beautiful pots with mud? Or
  • Doesn’t the potter make very beautiful pots with mud?
  • Man makes his own fate.
  • Man does not make his own fate.
  • Does man make his own fate?
  • Does man not make his own fate? Or
  • Doesn’t man make his own fate?
  • He repairs electronic goods.
  • He does not repair electronic goods.
  • Does he repair electronic goods?
  • Does he not repair electronic goods? Or
  • Doesn’t he repair electronic goods?
  • They play in the same cricket team.
  • They do not play in the same cricket team.
  • Do they play in the same cricket team?
  • Do they not play in the same cricket team? Or
  • Don’t they play in the same cricket team?
  • I take a bath in cool water in summer.
  • I do not take a bath in cool water in summer.
  • Do I take a bath in cool water in summer?
  • Do I not take a bath in cool water in summer? Or
  • Don’t I take a bath in cool water in summer?
  • I borrow money from anyone.
  • I don’t borrow money from anyone.
  • Do I borrow money from anyone?
  • Do I not borrow money from anyone? Or
  • Don’t I borrow money from anyone?
  • We study newspapers in our free time.
  • We do not study newspapers in our free time.
  • Do we study newspapers in our free time?
  • Do we not study newspapers in our free time? Or
  • Don’t we study newspapers in our free time?
  • He likes desert walk.
  • He does not like desert walk.
  • Does he like desert walk?
  • Does he not like desert walk? Or
  • Doesn’t he like desert walk?
  • I drink juice daily on an empty stomach.
  • I do not drink juice daily on an empty stomach.
  • Do I drink juice daily on an empty stomach?
  • Do I not drink juice daily on an empty stomach? Or
  • Don’t I drink juice daily on an empty stomach?
  • He picks cotton in the fields.
  • He does not pick cotton in the fields.
  • Does he pick cotton in the fields?
  • Does he not pick cotton in the fields? Or
  • Doesn’t he pick cotton in the fields?
  • You feed cattle regularly.
  • You do not feed cattle regularly.
  • Do you feed cattle regularly?
  • Do you not feed cattle regularly? Or
  • Don’t you feed cattle regularly?
  • You use a dictionary on mobile or PC.
  • You do not use a dictionary on mobile or PC.
  • Do you use a dictionary on mobile or PC?
  • Do you not use a dictionary on mobile or PC? Or
  • Don’t you use a dictionary on mobile or PC?
  • All my friends cook together.
  • All my friends do not cook together.
  • Do all my friends cook together?
  • Do all my friends not cook together? Or
  • Don’t all my friends cook together?
  • You take a walk early in the morning.
  • You do not take a walk early in the morning.
  • Do you take a walk early in the morning?
  • Do you not take a walk early in the morning? Or
  • Don’t you take a walk early in the morning?
  • The Children play with plastic blocks.
  • The children do not play with plastic blocks.
  • Do the children play with plastic blocks?
  • Do the children not play with plastic blocks? Or
  • Don’t the children play with plastic blocks?
  • I help the poor with my salary.
  • I do not help the poor with my salary.
  • Do I help the poor with my salary?
  • Do I not help the poor with my salary? Or
  • Don’t I help the poor with my salary?
  • The maid does laundry every Sunday.
  • The maid does not do laundry every Sunday.
  • Does the maid do laundry every Sunday?
  • Does the maid not do laundry every Sunday? Or
  • Doesn’t the maid do laundry every Sunday?
  • The farmers fertilize the wheat crop.
  • The farmers do not fertilize the wheat crop.
  • Do the farmers fertilize the wheat crop?
  • Do the farmers not fertilize the wheat crop? Or
  • Don’t the farmers fertilize the wheat crop?
  • We play a friendly cricket match every Sunday.
  • We do not play a friendly cricket match every Sunday.
  • Do we play a friendly cricket match every Sunday?
  • Do we not play a friendly cricket match every Sunday? Or
  • Don’t we play a friendly cricket match every Sunday?
  • The poets love the moon.
  • The poets do not love the moon.
  • Do the poets love the moon?
  • Do the poets not love the moon? Or
  • Don’t the poets love the moon?
  • The goats feed in the farmhouse.
  • The goats do not feed in the farmhouse.
  • Do the goats feed in the farmhouse?
  • Do the goats not feed in the farmhouse? Or
  • Don’t the goats feed in the farmhouse?
  • My mother fetches the pail of water.
  • My mother does not fetch the pail of water.
  • Does my mother fetch the pail of water?
  • Does my mother not fetch the pail of water? Or
  • Doesn’t my mother fetch the pail of water?
  • We friends bathe in the canal in summer.
  • We friends do not bathe in the canal in summer.
  • Do we friends bathe in the canal in summer?
  • Do we friends not bathe in the canal in summer? Or
  • Don’t we friends bathe in the canal in summer?
  • Children put books in the bag to close.
  • Children do not put books in the bag to close.
  • Do children put books in the bag to close?
  • Do children not put books in the bag to close? Or
  • Don’t children put books in the bag to close?
  • Students practice writing on notebooks.
  • Students do not practice writing on notebooks.
  • Do students practice writing on notebooks?
  • Do students not practice writing on notebooks? Or
  • Don’t students practice writing on notebooks?
  • Soldiers unfurl the flag.
  • Soldiers do not unfurl the flag.
  • Do soldiers unfurl the flag?
  • Do soldiers not unfurl the flag? Or
  • Don’t soldiers unfurl the flag?
  • Taj deals in toys.
  • Taj does not deal in toys.
  • Does Taj deal in toys?
  • Does Taj not deal in toys? Or
  • Doesn’t Taj deal in toys?
  • Google provides all kinds of information all the time.
  • It does not provide all kinds of information all the time.
  • Does it provide all kinds of information all the time?
  • Does it not provide all kinds of information all the time? Or
  • Doesn’t it provide all kinds of information all the time?
  • Daniel always wears a helmet.
  • Daniel does not always wear a helmet
  • Does Daniel always wear a helmet?
  • Does Daniel not always wear a helmet? Or
  • Doesn’t Daniel always wear a helmet
  • Akram teaches English to the 6th class.
  • Akram does not teach English to the 6th class.
  • Does Akram teach English to the 6th class?
  • Does Akram not teach English to the 6th class? OR
  • Doesn’t Akram teach English to the 6th class?
  • Yusuf works in a marriage hall.
  • Yusuf does not work in a marriage hall.
  • Does Yusuf work in a marriage hall?
  • Doesn’t Yusuf work in a marriage hall? OR
  • Does Yusuf not work in a marriage hall?
  • He often forgets things regarding responsibility.
  • He does not often forget things regarding responsibility.
  • Does he often forget things regarding responsibility?
  • Does he not often forget things regarding responsibility? Or
  • Doesn’t he often forget things regarding responsibility?
  • Jack likes to play on the grass.
  • Jack does not like to play on the grass.
  • Does Jack like to play on the grass?
  • Does Jack not like to play on the grass? Or
  • Doesn’t Jack like to play on the grass?
  • We bathe in rain every time.
  • We do not bathe in rain every time.
  • Do we bathe in rain every time?
  • Do we not bathe in rain every time? Or
  • Don’t we bathe in rain every time?

Present Indefinite Tense is also called simple present tense.

Learn to explore more knowledge

How to use present simple tense?

The present simple tense is used to talk about things that happen regularly, are always true, or are happening now. It is also used to talk about scheduled events and facts.

To form the present simple tense, use the base form of the verb for all persons except the third person singular (he, she, it). For the third person singular, add an s to the end of the verb.

Here are some examples:


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If the verb ends in a consonant + y, change the y to i and add es. For example:

  • I fly.
  • She flies.

If the verb ends in a vowel + y, just add s. For example:

  • I play.
  • He plays.

Here are some more examples of sentences in the present simple tense:

  • I eat breakfast every day.
  • The sun rises in the east.
  • She is a doctor.
  • They live in London.
  • The train leaves at 10:00 AM.
  • What time does the bank close?

The present simple tense can also be used to give instructions and directions. For example:

  • Turn left at the next corner.
  • Walk straight ahead until you see the park.
  • Don’t touch the stove.

The present simple tense is a very versatile tense, and it is used in a wide variety of contexts. It is important to learn how to use it correctly so that you can communicate effectively.

FAQs for Present Indefinite Tense

What is simple present tense?

The simple present tense is also known as present indefinite tense. Both are the same. So, simple present tense refers to the present or recent times.

What are rules for simple present tense?/Simple Present Tense Rules

There are multiple rules for simple present tense. Firstly, the present tense is used for an action that happens recently. Secondly, the first form of the verb is used. Thirdly, ‘s’ or ‘es’ are added with the first form of the verb when the subject is third-person singular.

Present Indefinite Tense Examples

In the present indefinite tense, the first form of the verb is used after the subject. No helping verb is used in positive or affirmative sentences.
He plays cricket all day long.
They love studying.
You told a lie about the usage of mobile.

What is present indefinite?

It is a tense where an action is taken place in recent times or right now.

What are 5 examples of present tense?

I open the door whenever it knocks.
They like to help the poor people who need help.
You do what I want.
He walks daily for about thirty minutes.
We apologize for our deed.

What are the 4 types of present tense?

Present Indefinite.
Present Continuous.
Present Perfect.
Present Perfect Continuous.

What is present indefinite tense Wikipedia?

The simple present, present simple or present indefinite is having verb forms linked with the present tense in English of the modern era. It is generally stated as a tense and contains information about any aspect in addition to the present or recent time.

How many types of presents are there?

There are four types of the present tense present in English grammar, Four types: indefinite, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous.

How do you write in present tense?

You can write present tense by using the first form of the verb or root form. If your subject is third-person singular, use ‘s’ or ‘es’ right after the first form of the verb as:
He turns the page of his notebook.
She goes for a night walk daily.
On the other hand, if the subject is other than third-person singular, use the root or first form as it is without ‘s’ or ‘es’.
They work together to get the required information.
We play cricket under light daily.

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