Countable and Uncountable Noun | Definitions Examples

Definition of Countable Noun

The noun can be counted in numbers like 10 apples, 100 rupees, 50 students, etc.

Examples of Countable Noun

Twelve ➡️ Balls

Eleven ➡️ Bat

Eight ➡️ Aeroplanes

Ten ➡️ Teachers

Fifty ➡️ Goats

Five ➡️ Children

Thirty-three hundred ➡️ Bricks

Fifteen ➡️ Tables

Twelve ➡️ Chairs

Ten ➡️ Apples

Definition of Uncountable Noun

It is a noun that cannot be counted in numbers, unlike countable nouns.

Examples of Uncountable Noun

Hair, flour, Wheat, Soil, Sand, Oil, Grass, Water, All liquids, Milk, Air, Salt, Sugar, Butter, Meat, etc

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